The City of Vrútky

Contact information

Matušovičovský rad 4
038 61 Vrútky

+ 421 43 4241803
+ 421 43 4241822

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The Turiec region, often called "the garden of Turiec", is surrounded by two mountain ranges of the Malá Fatra (Law Fatra) and Veľká Fatra (High Fatra) Natural parks. The skyline of its hills as well as rich flora and animal kingdom including bigger beasts as lynx, wolf, bear, or eagle, are good reasons for the interest of tourists as well as a higher degree of nature conservation.Ve3ká Fatra is a typical core mountain range of internal Western Carpathians ranging in height from approx. 400 to 1590 meters above sea level. Its flora is outstanding at its rare plant communities from thermophile Pannonian species as far as Alpine species with several endemics, e.g. Cyclamen fatrense. 40 small scale protected areas show conserved forests, plants, rocks, moors and geological formations. The "Veľkofatranská magistrála" tourist track, connecting the hills as Krížna, Tlstá, or Borišov, belongs to the most attractive tracks in the area. The mountain range of Malá Fatra, whose north-eastern part is a natural park ranging in height from 358 to 1709 meters above sea level belongs to the most precious landscape formations in Slovakia. In this little resistant area of lime stones and dolomites amazing rocky formations appeared, e.g. Ve3ký Rozsutec and Malý Rozsutec hills or Vrátna dolina - Tiesňavy valley. Šútovský vodopád waterfall, Krištáľová jaskyňa cave, or Veľký kriváň hill - the highest peak of the range.

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